Convert numbers to words in excel 2007 free download
Convert numbers to words in excel 2007 free download

Tenstr = "twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventyeighty ninety " Teenstr = "one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeeneighteen nineteen " Getword = retten(Fix(t3 / 10)) & " " & retteen(t3 Mod 10) & plas Zastring = zastring & getword(park, " only")įunction getword(t3 As Integer, plas As String) As String

convert numbers to words in excel 2007 free download

Zastring = zastring & getword(park, "hundred ") Zastring = zastring & getword(park, "thousand ") Zastring = zastring & getword(park, "lakh ") Zastring = zastring & getword(park, "crore ") Public Function f2w(num As Long) As Stringĭim intpart As Long, decpart As Integer, park As Integer, zastring As String The post concludes by saying that the add-in is premium content and can be downloaded by sharing the post on Facebook and Twitter, or by visiting page 2 for the direct download link. The post also includes an instruction on how to load or unload an Excel add-in program via the Excel Options > Add-Ins category and Manage box. It also provides instructions for Excel 2003 and earlier versions, and notes that if the add-in is used in an Excel sheet, the sheet should be converted to "values" before sharing with others to avoid errors on computers without the add-in installed.

convert numbers to words in excel 2007 free download

The post goes on to explain how to install the add-in and how to use it in Excel. The RSWORDS() function converts any number to currency in the form of words. The INR() function converts a number to the Indian style comma-formatted currency, while the REVINR() function converts the result obtained from the INR function back to a number format for calculations. The add-in includes three functions: INR(), REVINR(), and RSWORDS(). This blog post discusses an Excel add-in called SureshAddIns that converts figures into the Indian Rupee format, as well as displays the amount in words.

Convert numbers to words in excel 2007 free download